05.12.2023 Freiburg Colloquium “CO2InnO: Real-lab CO2-neutral pilot innovation region Upper Rhine: development of energy and mobility solutions”
The first colloquium of the Interreg project CO2InnO took place in Freiburg. Moderated by Sinje Starck, project officer at TRION-climate, and Âdem Uğurlu, research associate at Felis Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, the project partners presented their initial results:
Block 1: Presentation of the Interreg project and the H2 CHP pilot plant
Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch – Presentation of the Interreg project
Maurice Kettner – The H2-powered CHP pilot plant as the basis of the project
Simon Faivre, Wolfgang Brozio, Swati Negi, Nicolas Krier – Inventory and creation of interactive maps based on “Hydrogen” and “Electromobility”
Block 2: Use of an H2 CHP plant, the case study of the city of Offenburg, with the contributions of:
Natalie Miller, Yamit Ibarra, Naqib Salim, Nora Baumgartner, Bénédicte Laroze, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam, Bushra Canaan, Paul Robineau
Block 3: Focus on the current state of technology maturity and exemplary industrial projects.
We would like to thank all the speakers:
Dominik Ziegler – Framework conditions for the use of hydrogen with CHP: Theoretical principles and practical examples, 2G Energy AG.
David Zillhardt – Development of a fuel cell in combination with a heating system and a PV system, Ingérop Deutschland GmbH
Leonie Meyer – Future technology hydrogen – the cross-border project RHYn Interco, badenovaNETZE GmbH
Oliver Jochum – Hydrogen infrastructure in the border triangle