The first colloquium of the Interreg project CO2InnO will present the initial research results. Sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, mobility and industry are being developed as part of the project in order to make the Upper Rhine metropolitan region emission-free.

A simulation tool currently under development will answer questions in particular regarding the usability of decarbonised energy systems based on a CHP and possible combinations with other renewable energy sources.
In addition, topics such as acceptance, regulation, cyber security and the reuse of local materials will be analysed in accompanying studies.
The first colloquium of this Interreg project will take place on 5 December 2023 in the auditorium of the University of Freiburg (1-5 p.m.) and is divided into three programme blocks:
- Presentation of the Interreg project and the H2 CHP pilot plant
- Use of an H2 CHP using the case studies of the city of Offenburg and the University Hospital of Freiburg
- State of technology maturity and exemplary industrial projects
Simultaneous German-French translation will be provided
The agenda and the registration form can be found under the respective links.
We look forward to your participation!