First Co-Creation Workshop
CO2InnO has the goal of connecting the research of the project with potnential users and other stakeholders to make the results suitable for use cases in the real world. To this end, the first Co-Creation Workshop in the frame of the workshop took place in Karlsruhe on the 21st of September. Actors from outside the project, spanning potential users of the tools and results of the project, such as the city of Offenburg were invited to partake and give their perspectives on the state of research as well as their needs and ideas for the results of the project. Alongside project partners from HKA, KIT, UFR, TRION and KPO, 2G-Energy, a CHP-manufacturer with experience in hydrogen and Plagazi, a prospective hydrogen producer came together to discuss the prospects of sustainable technologies integrating hydrogen and electric mobility into the grid.
Over the day, current research on CHP simulation and EV-integration was presented, the demonstrator unit in Karlsruhe was shown and various perspectives for the tehcnologies uses were gathered, leaving the partners with more insight into what ist needed from their outputs.